Kyser George

Kyser George

Kyser George Kyser grew up in North Carolina and from an early time was playing music like he was born into it.  Being from Doc Watson country, he also has a deep appreciation for bluegrass and folk music.  Following in Doc’s footsteps while also blazing his own...
Doc Watson 4286

Doc Watson 4286

Doc Watson model, $4,700 You can find this guitar at Homewood Music.  Bob will be happy to help you.  The Doc Watson Model is by far the most recognized Gallagher Guitar. Since Doc and Merle helped J.W. design this guitar, you can’t go wrong. Mahogany back and sides...
Doc Watson, Red Spruce, 4258

Doc Watson, Red Spruce, 4258

A Doc Watson model with extra punch, $4,850 The Doc Watson Model is by far the most recognized Gallagher Guitar. Since Doc and Merle helped J.W. design this guitar, you can’t go wrong.  This one include a beautiful burst on the Red Spruce top. Mahogany back and sides...
GA-Walnut 4281

GA-Walnut 4281

Grand Auditorium – Black Walnut with Red Spruce Shade top This guitar found a worthy home in North Carolina to Benjamin who is a versatile player.  We have 2 more sets of wood from this same Black Walnut.  These sets are gifts from nature.  This guitar is built...
G-50 4246

G-50 4246

Gallagher G-50, 4254, $4,399 The appointments are consistent with the first G-50 and varies slightly from other body sizes in the 50 line of guitars: East Indian Rosewood bridge and fretboard Mahogany back and sides Ivoroid binding for body and headstock Gallagher “G”...